Thoughts for the day…

I’ve been doing a bit of thinking lately, (I know – scary right?!) and I’ve been pondering on the age old question of what makes me, well, me? 🤔

It’s interesting to think about isn’t it…

I mean, that is the reason I designed Desire Images in the first place.

Too often we get so caught up in everyday life, that we forget who we are. Am I right? As parents our identities become compromised. We are no longer ourselves, we become “someones mum” “someones dad”, the worker, the provider, the cleaner, the taxi driver (seriously, how many after school activities do we need to do?!!!)

I am working with an extraordinary lady at the moment, and I love her vibrancy and energy. She asked me some questions, and although they seem surface level easy to answer… when you actually stop and think its quite tricky.

I know I have a fire in my gut to do the impossible – to be challenged. I know I love creating and making artworks. I know I am exceptional at getting the kids that are challenging to co-operate/ work with their energy to create magic for their parents. I know that everyone is accepted – for who they are. I know that I want to give the world to everyone.

As I have grown, Desire Images has grown too. It has emerged as a place where you can be yourself, you don’t have to just fit into one neat little box. There is often a great deal of laughter in our sessions. Family, kids, baby, styled, corporate, schools, each have their own personalities and styles – but one thing remains consistent, and that is that anything is possible. We just have to have hope.

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